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How to cancel my subscription?

To no longer pay for the renewal of your purchased Labelmaker subscription, please follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your billing account.
  2. Under the "Current plan" section, click on Cancel plan
  3. Then confirm by clicking on Cancel plan

Still having trouble? Contact us, we are here to help.

How to switch your license from one account to another?

Fill out this form to transfer your license from one account to another. To prevent abuse, only one transfer per user per day is allowed.

The license will be transferred to this email address.

How to get started with Labelmaker?

It's really easy to create your first labels with Labelmaker. Just follow theses steps:

  1. Create a new Google Docs
  2. Open Labelmaker from the add-ons menu
  3. Select your template and then create labels!

If you need a helping hand, go to the Labelmaker forum and ask your question to our experts community.

How to fix misaligned labels templates?

If your label templates are not printing correctly or not lining up despite your efforts, check our guide on How to Fix Misaligned Labels Templates?

What can you do when there's nothing available to select in the "Add merge fields" drop down menu?

First of all, make sure that your spreadsheet contains information. The first row should contain headers and the rows should be filled with information (check our guide on How to make a mailing list in Google Sheets). If the headers or the cells are empty, it might cause your merge fields not to work properly.

After checking your spreadsheet, it's likely that your issue might be due to using multiple Google accounts under the same Chrome browser. Google can't handle when multiple accounts are logged in, and Chrome extensions, such as Labelmaker, don't work well.

We recommend creating a new profile in Google Chrome with the account you are using Labelmaker with. This will make sure it'll always work with the right account. It takes only 1 minute to set up.

Learn how to create a new Google Chrome profile.

Still having trouble? Contact us, we are here to help.

After hitting "Create labels" nothing happens? Your issue might be due to using multiple Google accounts under the same Chrome browser. Google can't handle when multiple accounts are logged in, and Chrome extensions, such as Labelmaker, don't work well.

We recommend creating a new profile in Google Chrome with the account you are using Labelmaker with. This will make sure it'll always work with the right account. It takes only 1 minute to set up.

Learn how to create a new Google Chrome profile.

Alternatively, if your spreadsheet is big (let's say over 10,000 rows) or is filtered, you may need to break it down in smaller parts. Indeed, Google add-on have a limited computing capacity and you may be hitting a limit while trying to generate a large number of labels.

Still having trouble? Contact us, we are here to help.

I can't find my template

Labelmaker has around 5000+ templates in stock. If you have searched for it and still couldn't find your template number, go to the Labelmaker forum and comment the thread where we compile templates request.

We regularly add new templates to the software.

I want to purchase licenses

Thank you for considering Labelmaker. Leave us your details so that we can offer you the best pricing adapted to your needs. We will get back to you shortly!

Where to send feedback?

Your suggestions are much appreciated! To share your feedback, go to the Labelmaker forum and open a new topic.

Tip: Make sure to add "[Feedback]" to the title of your post.



Print quality labels in a couple of clicks right from Google Docs.


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